The Ftd® Big Hug® Bouquet


The Big Hug® Bouquet by FTD® is the perfect way to give them a squeeze when they need it! Everybody needs a hug now and then and this bouquet, featuring a 6-inch bear hugging a simple, pale green ceramic vase, is the perfect way to indulge your special someone. Lavender Peruvian Lilies, magenta mini carnations and lush greens create the perfect expression of love, gratitude and cheer making this a gift they won’t soon forget. GOOD bouquet includes 7 stems. Approximately 14″H x 9″W. BETTER bouquet includes 11 stems. Approximately 15″H x 11″W. BEST bouquet includes 13 stems. Approximately 16″H x 12″W. Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.

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